The Third Landscapes

There is a very unique attitude when man interacts with earth. Whether it be a potter, a builder, or a ploughman. That interaction, may it be elegant or aggressive, allows man to act and earth to react relatively. That relationship is only possible using a mediator, or a tool to connect the two together.

Carving into the earth as a new layer of information has been a tool used to prove the existence of mankind across many civilizations and geologies. It creates a focus on three points: what is not there, what has been displaced, and the in between. That is in contrast of the monotonous notion of what already is. The process of man-made excavations as an additional layer that responds to an already complex landscape creates a new hybrid interface.

This inspired the notion of the third Landscape, a man-made structure that excavates and cultivates its surrounding landscape and uses what is left behind to fund its own growth. The main structure grows in the form of recycled steel, which supports a robotic arm that acts similar to a milling machine. The robotic arm excavates the land using a code that the farmers feed it based on type of crop, quantity of cropland and its division, the land’s exposure to sunlight, and based on the surrounding landscape typology. Additionally, the agricultural pattern follows rippled circular patterns to ease cultivation using the machinery.

Arc 502 I AUS I Spring 2022 I Professor George Katodrytis

A collection of images that illustrate the potential of carving as a means of data and information entry and storage in an abstract yet rich manner. In the same way that Earth is capable of storing the entropy of natural elements such as erosion, corrosion, and natural disintegration, it is also capable of accumulating the various effects of man and their evolution across its landscape.

Images bottom left and bottom right by lee bontecou.

Initial drawings and 3D collages created to explore composition, material behaviours, and different systems.

Images top 2D drawings line drawings.

Images bottom 3D renderings and collages.